Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Post 6: Yes, You May Virtually Pimp My Ride

Check this out. This just keeps getting better and better. Anyone know if Linden Research is a publicly traded company? If so I'm buying. Second Life's growth is undeniable and now they have bonafide pimping tools at their disposal. Trilogy Studios has partnered with MTV Networks to recreate the Pimp My Ride concept in the virtual space of Second Life. Virtual Pimp My Ride is free downloadabe software that creates a synthetic representation of Van Nuys, CA in the Second Life world. In addition to all of the interactivity afforded by Second Life, this environment adds elements of gaming, allowing users to custom build cars, engage in competitions like drag races, and interact with fellow Second Lifers who share a love of car culture. No mention of whether or not there is a virtual XZibit to provide pimping tips.


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

yvgeni said...

I agree with everything Rogrigo said EXCEPT the point about fascism in early 1920s Germany.

John said...

I understand where rodrigo is going with his comments, but I still do not see how real businesses can use second life. It seems like a risky area to put resources. As quickly as it was turned on, it could be turned off or replaced with a better product. Then as fast as your new virtual business was put up it disappears.

For those who do not speak Portuguese rodrigo is trying to sell you t-shirts.

"Oi, I found yours blog for google tá well interesting I liked this post. When to give gives passed for mine blog, is on personalized t-shirts, shows step by step as to create a well personalized t-shirt way. Until more."

IT EMIS 17 said...

I guess I just don't get the attraction. If I as a company believe Sencond Life is an opportunity for growth or marketing, certainly I am going to become a presence there. But I don't understand what attracks the players. I guess I like real people too much to "play" with fake ones.

Kevin Gilbert said...

This could be huge - If they turn virtual gaming into a subscription based service, it could be another major blow to Blockbuster. Advertising in Second Life will also be a major source of revenue.